All I want to do is write, record and perform. Well, a few more things than that. But those are the things I prefer. Yet here I am, learning how to run my website, post content and … help my mother sell her house.
In doing so I’m earning all about solar panels, roofing and real estate disclosures. Because apparently one gets one hell of an education in oh so many things they never actually wanted to know while doing real estate transactions… Damn!
The best way to look at it is more writing material. The world and all it’s problems is my canvas. Well, it would be if I were a painter.
So although I would love to sit down at the piano and just play for a few hours, I need to finish about 16 non related things that have nothing to do with music before I can get to it.
There’s a saying I heard once, ‘Life is uncertain, eat dessert first?’ Music is definitely my dessert so perhaps I need to change my ways and do that first. All those other things can wait. Can’t they?